User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content created by creators, like photos, videos, and reviews. UGC creators can earn from $1 to $20,000 a month by making this content for brands.

Companies really like UGC because it's cheaper than professional productions and feels more genuine, like it was made by a regular person. More often than not this content will also provide good results when used for advertising.

To start as a UGC creator, study content that's already out there and pick an industry to focus on. Make a portfolio of your work and a professional email signature with HubSpot's tool.

Look for brands that want UGC on sites like TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn.

When you make UGC videos, think about what the brand wants to use it for. Charge around $150 for posts on your own social media and $275 for ones the brand will use in ads. Offer package deals to give more bang for their buck.

You'll need a phone that takes good videos, a tripod to keep it steady, bright lighting, and a mic for clear sound. Try making different kinds of videos like unboxings, product close-ups, reviews, and showing how to solve a problem with the product.

UGC is a booming field that lets you flex your creativity and work with all sorts of brands. With a little effort and the right equipment, you can turn your social media skills into a lucrative side hustle or even a full-time gig.

Here's a detailed walkthrough on how to become a UGC creator.

What is UGC (User-Generated Content)?

Building on the introduction, let's explore what UGC (User-Generated Content) entails. UGC refers to any form of content, such as photos, videos, text, and reviews, created by users or customers of a product or brand rather than the brand itself.

This type of content is often shared on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, providing authentic and genuine perspectives from real users.

User-generated content is the voice of the consumer.

UGC has become increasingly popular in the digital marketing landscape, as it offers a cost-effective way for brands to engage with their target audience and build trust. By leveraging user-generated content, companies can showcase real-life experiences and testimonials from satisfied customers, which serves as powerful social proof and can significantly influence consumer behavior.

Benefits of UGC Creation

UGC opens up an exciting and lucrative world of opportunities for content creators. It's a cost-effective marketing strategy for brands, as it generates authentic content that resonates with their target audience.

Potential Earnings

UGC creators can earn significant income, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars per month. Top earners in the field make $10,000 to $20,000 monthly by creating engaging content for brands on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Many factors influence earnings, such as the creator's nicheaudience sizeengagement rates, and the types of brands they work with.

Even part-time UGC creators can make $1,000 to $3,000 per month, while full-time creators often earn $5,000 or more. As creators build their following and improve their content quality, they can attract bigger brands and command higher fees.

Cost-Effectiveness for Brands

Brands find UGC more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods. Hiring professional production teams or partnering with influencers can be expensive. UGC creators produce authentic content at a fraction of the cost, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to stretch their marketing budgets.

UGC is a cost-effective way for brands to create authentic content that resonates with their target audience. - Social Media Today

UGC's affordability allows brands to generate a large volume of content without breaking the bank. This is especially beneficial for small businesses and startups with limited resources.

Authenticity and Genuine Feel

UGC offers an authentic and genuine feel that resonates with audiences. Unlike polished ads created by brands, UGC videos come across as real and relatable. They showcase everyday people using products in their natural environments, which builds trust and credibility.

Brands value UGC for its ability to connect with consumers on a deeper level. These videos feel like honest recommendations from friends rather than sales pitches. This authentic approach helps brands forge stronger emotional bonds with their target markets, driving engagement and loyalty.

Steps to Become a UGC Creator

Becoming a UGC creator involves studying existing content, developing a portfolio, creating a professional email signature, finding brands to pitch to, and exploring UGC platforms and job listings.

Mastering these steps can help you turn your passion for creating content into a lucrative career in the world of social media marketing and influencer campaigns. Read on to discover the essential tools and strategies you need to succeed as a UGC creator in today's digital landscape.

Ps. Here's one course that focuses on becoming a UGC Creator in no time. There's a free trial on Skillshare for you to check it out.

See it here below:

UGC Creator Course (SkillShare)

In this course, you’ll learn the most important knowledge and skills to start making great user-generated content (UGC) for brands — regardless of your experience with content marketing.

Get One Free Month of Skillshare

Step 1: Study Existing UGC Content (and Choose an Industry)

Start by researching successful UGC campaigns on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Analyze the content strategies, hashtags, and engagement metrics to understand what resonates with audiences.

Focus on industries that align with your interests and expertise, such as fashion, beauty, tech, or food. This targeted approach will help you create relevant content that brands in those sectors will find valuable. It will also help build on your portfolio and improve your chances when reaching out to brands.

Organize your research findings into categories based on industry and content type. This will serve as a reference guide when developing your own UGC portfolio. Pay attention to the storytelling techniquesvisual aesthetics, hooks and calls-to-action used in top-performing UGC videos.

Step 2: Develop a Portfolio

strong portfolio is crucial to showcase your skills and attract brands. Focus on creating content in a specific niche, such as fashion, beauty, or fitness. Consistently post engaging UGC videos on your social media accounts, like Instagram and TikTok, to build your personal brand.

Highlight your best work on a personal website or blog, making it easy for potential clients to view your content. Use relevant hashtags and engage with your audience to increase your visibility and reach.

Step 3: Create a Professional Email Signature

professional email signature adds credibility when pitching to brands. Use tools like HubSpot's signature generator to create one quickly. Include your name, title (e.g., UGC Creator), contact information, and links to your portfolio or social media profiles.

This shows brands you're serious about your work and makes it easy for them to learn more about you.

Your email signature is a small but mighty marketing tool that can leave a lasting impression on potential clients. Treat it as an extension of your personal brand. Keep the design clean, visually appealing, and consistent with your online presence.

Step 4: Find Brands to Pitch to

To find brands to pitch your UGC services, research companies in your chosen industry that have a strong social media presence and engage with user-generated content. Explore their Instagram, TikTok, and other social media profiles to see if they share UGC from customers or influencers.

Make a list of potential brands to contact, focusing on those that align with your content style and target audience.

Utilize platforms like TikTok's Creative Center ( to discover brands actively running sponsored content campaigns. This tool provides valuable insights into the types of content brands are seeking and can help you tailor your pitch accordingly.

Step 5: Explore UGC Platforms and Job Listings

Explore UGC platforms and job listings on social media networks like Twitter and LinkedIn to find opportunities. Specialized websites such as Trend, IIO tribe, B-roll creators, jobs, Coles creators Club, Billo, and Incent offer dedicated spaces for UGC creators.

Broader platforms like Fiverr and Upwork also list UGC gigs.

Search these online communities and job boards regularly for brand marketing campaigns seeking user-generated content. Respond promptly to relevant listings with your portfolio and rates.

Overview of UGC Content Creation

Creating user-generated content (UGC) videos involves showcasing products or services in an authentic, engaging way using smartphones, webcams, or cameras.

Five Types of UGC Videos

Creating engaging UGC videos is key to capturing your audience's attention. Here are five popular types of UGC videos to consider:

  1. Aesthetic/Product-Focused Video: Showcase the product in a visually appealing way, highlighting its features and benefits. Use creative camera angles, lighting, and editing techniques to make the product stand out.
  2. Unboxing Video: Record yourself unboxing and setting up the product for the first time. Share your initial impressions and thoughts as you explore its features. This type of video helps potential customers get a realistic feel for the product.
  3. Voiceover Video: Create a video with a voiceover narration that guides viewers through the product's features, benefits, and use cases. Use engaging visuals and on-screen text to complement your audio and keep viewers interested.
  4. Review/Demonstration Video: Provide an in-depth review of the product, demonstrating how it works and sharing your honest opinions. Highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the product to maintain transparency and build trust with your audience.
  5. Problem and Solution Video: Identify a common problem or challenge that the product solves and create a video that demonstrates how it addresses that issue. Show real-life examples of how the product can make a difference in the lives of its users.

Charging for UGC Videos

When setting your rates for UGC videos, factor in the brand's budget, video usage, and your experience level, and offer package deals to maximize earnings while providing value.

Factors Influencing Rates

Several factors influence the rates charged by UGC creators. Skills, experience, and the number of videos requested by a brand are key considerations. More experienced creators with advanced video editing capabilities can command higher rates.

Usage rights also play a significant role in determining prices. Brands that require exclusive or long-term usage rights for the content typically pay more compared to those seeking limited or one-time usage.

These factors collectively shape the rates UGC creators can charge for their services. Understanding the brand's intention for the video use is crucial for setting appropriate rates.

Starting Rates Suggestions

When setting your initial rates as a UGC creator, consider charging around $100-$150 for organic social media videos and $200-$300 for videos intended for paid advertising campaigns.

These suggested rates take into account the time and effort required to produce high-quality content while also providing a competitive starting point in the UGC market.

As you gain experience and build a strong portfolio, you can gradually increase your rates based on the value you provide to brands and the demand for your services.

It's crucial to understand the brand's intended use for the video, as this can significantly impact your pricing strategy. Videos created for organic social media posts may require less production value and have a shorter shelf life compared to those used in paid advertising campaigns, which often demand higher quality and have the potential to reach a wider audience.

Importance of Understanding Brand's Intention for Video Use

Understanding the purpose of your UGC videos is crucial. Brands may want them for organic social media posts or paid ads. Organic videos aim to engage followers and build brand awareness.

In contrast, ad videos promote products or services to a targeted audience. Knowing the video's intention helps you create content that aligns with the brand's goals.

Discuss the video's purpose with the brand before creating it. This ensures you deliver the right message and style. For example, an organic TikTok video will differ from a YouTube ad.

Recommendation to Offer Package Deals

Offering package deals is a smart strategy for UGC creators. Instead of charging per video, bundle your services into packages. For example, offer 1 organic video for $200, 3 for $500, or 5 for $700.

This approach benefits both you and the brands you work with. Packages provide more value for the client's money and secure more work for you upfront. They also streamline your workflow and income, making budgeting and scheduling easier.

When crafting your packages, consider the typical needs of the businesses you target. Research what types of video content they use frequently, such as product demos, testimonials, or social media ads.

Then, tailor your packages to include a mix of these popular formats. Don't forget to highlight the savings brands can enjoy by purchasing a bundle rather than individual videos. By offering well-rounded, cost-effective packages, you'll attract more clients and establish yourself as a go-to UGC creator in your niche.

Additional Considerations for Setting Rates

Key factors like usage rightsexclusivity, and revisions affect UGC rates. Usage rights cover how the brand can use your content. Exclusivity means the content is solely for that brand.

Revisions involve making changes requested by the brand. The more usage rights and revisions granted, the higher the rates should be. Offering a la carte options allows brands to choose what they need.

Necessary Equipment for UGC Creators

To start creating UGC videos, you don't need expensive gear. A smartphone with a decent camera is the basic necessity. Investing in a tripod ensures stable footage when filming solo.

Affordable ring lights or softbox lighting kits from Amazon provide good lighting options. Clear audio is crucial, so consider getting an external microphone that connects to your phone's audio jack.


Becoming a UGC creator offers an exciting opportunity to earn money while showcasing your creativity. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn your passion for content creation into a profitable venture.

Start by studying existing UGC content, develop a strong portfolio, and actively pitch to brands. As you grow your skills and reputation, you can unlock the potential to make a significant income as a UGC creator.

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